

关于”最重要的选择“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:The most important choice。以下是关于最重要的选择的初中英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The most important choice

What is the most important work? There are more important jobs and less important jobs in the world. I think almost all jobs are equally important. Just imagine what a city would look like when no one cleaned the streets and public toilets? When train drivers and bus drivers go on strike, when there is no public transport, how do people go to work or school, because human beings are our interdependent community animals, our daily life requires everyone to do their part to keep our society moving forward.

In order to do so, we need to do a lot of work to make things go smoothly People's life is easier. Of course, sometimes there are some priorities that need to be done. Some work is more urgent and necessary.

If we look at the importance of work, teachers, doctors and nurses can be regarded as the most important jobs. But for the development and prosperity of the world and our country, financial workers and bankers are equally important to maintain our economic health, because Without wealth, our world will be more uncomfortable to live such a life, it all depends on what angle you look at the problem.




Opportunities and success opportunities don't come often. They come from time to time. They come quietly and pass quietly.

Therefore, when opportunities come, you should cherish and treat them carefully. It brings a promise, but it will never be realized. If you want to achieve something, or if you want to achieve your ambition, you have to work hard, work hard, and be prepared otherwise, and when opportunities come to visit you, you don't take advantage of them.

The difference between succesul people and unsuccesul people is not only in the way they treat opportunities, succesul people are always fully prepared for opportunities. When opportunities arrive at unsuccesul people in time, on the other hand, I think everyone in society has many opportunities, but only those who are well prepared and have high quality can take advantage of these opportunities to achieve their goals.




What is the most important thing in the world? I think I have enough respect for my parents. I said that when my parents were still giving me more fish and meat, my bowl piled up like a hill. Don't study late into the night.

Pay attention to your health recently. My father was very concerned about me. My face turned red.

I didn't dare to give him an answer. I didn't make any progress in my study. All my subjects were bad.

I only passed math, but failed physics. It doesn't matter. Try to find a better learning method and study hard.

I believe you can enter a university and hear these words. I bow my head. What a kind father he didn't scold me.

But what encouraged me was that you used up all the money I gave you last night. My father was pulling out his wallet. My mother just gave me yuan to buy food.

When you were hungry, Dad handed me a 10 yuan note. I should accept dad My mother loves me so much why can't I get God's score in the exam? Tears come into my eyes now. I won't cry now.

I'll take you to the bus stop as usual. Dad takes the heavy bag and goes with his dirty old bike.


